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Me: All Growed Up

My lanta! FOUR years? HOW? I absolutely love that this blog is still here (especially after mourning my xanga presence...RIP). Things are a little different now. I'm almost 30. I live in my dream apartment. I'm the Director of Community Engagement at a nonprofit in Oklahoma City. I ran another half marathon. I wear glasses. I traveled...everywhere. I started volunteering at a Children's Hospital. I overcame sincere fears of airports and hospitals. I started a Master's program. I loved. I lost. I ate. I slept. I danced. I laughed. I giggled. I stopped drinking coffee for a's been wild. Jesus is still my fuel and people are still me passion. Last post, I talked about the identity of this blog. Where was it going? What will it center around? I do that a lot. I want to do something and then I talk it to death. What's the central idea?! What's the plan?! How many times will I commit to post?! What's my big picture goa
Recent posts

Return of the Jogger

Oh Heyyyy! I'm back!! It is incredibly entertaining that my last Title was "I Struggle With Consistency," and then I let this blog sit in cyberspace for 3 years. At least I wasn't lyin' to ya ;) When I first started Joggin and Bloggin , it was to encourage myself to run every day and reach my goal of a half marathon. I did not reach in 2011, however I did cross the finish line after running 13.1 miles on September 21st, 2014. It was a really fantastic day of goal reaching, and I sincerely think this blog helped it scoot it along in the beginning. I want to revisit the encouraging power of my little slice of cyperspace. I want the pieces produced here to cause laughter, provide thought, and provide encouragement. I certainly open to subject suggestions. I plan to cover a plethora of topics: Being a Single Christian Woman in the Bible Belt, My Journeys as a Runner, Christian, Friend, Daughter, Sister, and Other Fun Ramblings that might pop up. I'm excited t

I Struggle with Consistency

I feel like today's title is a "duh?!" haha I CANNOT see to keep up with this blog. It is a sincere challenge for me to write here every day. BUT...ALAS...I will continue to try :) On a running front, things are goin real well :) I'm at a (surprisingly) consistent 5k a day :) My next race is on SIX DAYS! WHAT?!!? Craziness :) This one is a 10k that my wonderful, athletic fam is runnin with me! I am so very excited to see and run with them :))) My heart is all sorts of fuzziness just thinkin about it :) As far as trainin for the half marathon, I just need to stay consistent (there's that dang word again) on doing my long runs along with my "short" runs. (Never in my 22 years would I have thought that I would consider 3 miles a short run...who am I?) It has been nearly three months since I committed to being a runner :) What a fantastic three months indeed :) I have learned SO much about myself and my abilities in Christ through this new hobby. Crazy to t

Cabin Fever

I want to run. BUT I am SO thankful for this time to work on school work. God is good and faithful :) It's just 5 short days until my FAVORITE day of the year: VALENTINE'S DAY! I know...I know... grumblegrumblegrumblegrumble Hear me out here: Forget about the pepto-pink aisles at WalMart lined with Love Note TUMS and enough candy to send you into a sugar coma for 19 months. Forget about the oversized Teddy bears that could double as couches if you ever found yourself in a pinch.Go with me here: Imagine a day where everyone has a little lift to their step, Imagine a day where sincere compliments are filling the hallways of offices and schools. Imagine smiles, all smiles, all day long. Imagine if for just one day everyone truly Loved their neighbor and treated everyone they met that day as a friend. That's the kind of Valentine's Day I'm rooting for :) More on that tomorrow :) Maybe I'll get to run too :)

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

I do realize that I have been a bit absent this last month. I took an unplanned hiatus over Christmas to spend time at home. The limited access to a computer might have had something to do with it as well :/ I have tried to write this post SEVERAL times in the last week. At first, I resolved to write again on January 23rd, because that would be a month since I last wrote. For some unknown reason...that just wasn't happening; too perfect maybe. My heart wasn't quite back into blogging yet. Let me take a moment and let the blogger world into my soul: The last month has been quite the emotional roller coaster . Not exactly the kind of coaster I'd purchase a season pass to ride 57 times in a season, but one that worth the hype and long line. Typical story: Girl meets Boy. Girl likes Boy. Boy and Girl become best friends through middle school, high school, and college. Eight years later, they kiss in a game of Truth or Dare. Girl and Boy date for two weeks. Boy knows what's

Reason for the Season

"We love because HE FIRST LOVED us." 1 John 4:19 We are called to do as Christ did; Love...LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! I cannot say that enough times. We are called to LOVE everyone. Love your fellow humans. There is absolutely NO reason to not love someone ESPECIALLY after you FIRST meet them. WHat have they done to you at that point that merits a no-love response? I'm not calling any one person out, I'm just sayin: If we are to truly live out a CHRISTian walk.....we best be lovin' on peole. CHRISTmas is a time of celebration for what our God has done for us. "For He SO LOVED the world, that he GAVE His ONLY begotten Son that who so ever BELIEVES in Him, should NOT perish, but have everlasting life." -John 3:16 The God of the UNOVERSE Loved YOU enough to send His Son to the Earth, live a human life, with human temptation, and die on a cross as YOUR scape goat. THIS IS A BIG DEAL! Some people cannot wrap their minds around someone loving them that much bec

Chelsea the Elf, what's your favorite color?

Sorry for the absence team! My fam has been running like crazy since I touched down in Texas. Shocking? No. Yesterday, was just amazin. Started out with a FANTASTIC message from Pastor Robert entitled, "O Little Town of Bethlehem" talking about how God uses small, seemingly insignificant people, places, and things to perform miracles and fulfill promises :) check it out ( ) After church, I went for a run. I think Texas makes me slower....awe well....gotta push through :) We loaded up the fam and headed to a SUper Target to participate in Christmas shopping for YouthWorld, an AMAZING organization in Dallas commited to being the hands and feet of Jesus in the young lives of "at-risk" children in the area. ( The way it works is money is donated by sponsors, and those sponsors come in and shop with the kids. They get $50 to spend however they want. Afterward, we black out barcodes and make the clothes irreturnable so that the parents